LNER J39 0-6-0 LOCO
GL5 Society

Anthony Mount

A neat example of the LNER J39 loco shown by the GL5 Society at a Harrogate exhibition. Martin Evans produced a design for a 5” gauge J39 in the 1980s which he dubbed Stratford.

The J39 was a class of medium powered 0-6-0 steam locomotive designed for mixed-traffic work throughout the former LNER system between London and the north of Scotland. was introduced by Nigel Gresley in July 1926, based on his earlier Class J38 but with larger driving wheels. The larger wheels enabled them to be used on both passenger and freight trains. A total of 289 were built over the next 15 years, mostly built at the LNER's Darlington Works plus 28 built by Beyer, Peacock and Co. in 1935.

All passed into British Railways ownership in 1948 and they were numbered 64700-64988. They began to be withdrawn from service in 1959 and all examples had been scrapped by the end of 1962. Although none have survived to preservation, there are plans to build a replica of an LNER J39 and a J38.