William Stanier was born in Swindon where his father worked for the GWR as clerk to William Dean. Stanier junior was apprenticed at Swindon and rose from draughtsman in 1897 to Works Manager in 1920. In 1931 he was headhunted by the LMS to be their new Chief Mechanical Engineer. Stanier took a lot of GW knowledge with him and he set about creating a series of successful large, modern engines which included the Jubilees, Princesses, 8F, 4MT, Turbomotive and, of course, the Black Five, one of the most successful all-rounder steam locomotives of all time.
Stanier was knighted in 1943, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He was one of two I Mech E presidents that built a model locomotive, the other being Sir High Ford, another ex-Swindon apprentice, who built a Dean 4-4-0.
The 4-6-0 Black Five was introduced in 1934. By 1951 some 842 had been built. Black Fives continued up to the last day of steam and no less than 18 are preserved and many are operational.
The name comes from the power classification - 5 - and being painted black. It is one of the most modelled engines in all scales. This 5” gauge model was shown by D Kane at a Harrogate exhibition.