The Editor

Years ago, the Editor made a start on building a Dean Armstrong class 4-4-0 inspired by the writing and exquisite  drawings of J. N. Maskelyne and smitten by the designs of J.G.S Clarke in 7.25” gauge. Eventually, drawings were bought and frames for the loco and tender completed.

At that point John Clarke sold the design and castings to a well known purveyor of such things; the price of castings went into divorce territory. The frames were given their own cupboard where they remain, hardly having seen the light of day for nearly 50 years. Back then, we never thought about fabricating, or using other alternatives to castings.

Sadly, few of these have been built - probably due to the cost. A more practical proposition would be a later 5” gauge version beautifully drawn by Pete Rich whose drawings etc are available from Polly Engineering.

We can share here some archive photos we found back in the day including early unconverted 2-4-0s. Final picture is John Clark’s own 7.25” gauge loco.