2-4-0 CIRCA 1892

Michael Palmer

This is a model of a GWR River class loco circa 1892 to 2.5in or G3 scale and measures 28in over all. The engine was built using a CNC mill to cut most of the parts, and a lathe. The wheels were cut from 1/4in ali and have steel tyres heat shrunk on. The engine has radio control and sound.

Of all the Great Western locos I have built over the years the River class 2-4-0 has to be my most admired, the pierced double framing of the engine and tender, to me, make a very elegant loco.

First, assembly of the River chassis. The wheels were made from 6mm ali plate with tyres cut from 4in dia steel bar, the inside frame is made from 1.5mm steel sheet and the outside sandwich frame is made from 0.7mm brass sheet.

The motor/gearbox is from Slaters.

The previous two locos I built had large drivers and hence large splashers, I formed the firebox and barrel then offered up the splashers to mark a line where to cut, a long winded process and lots of filling to shape.

Not satisfied with that idea I wondered if you could draw out the firebox and barrel as a flat shape then form the firebox and roll the barrel, would it fit the splashers?

I tacked the splashers in place and using known reference points like wheel centres, height of the top of firebox to those centres, length of the top of barrel, diameter of splashers I was able to draw the developed shape. Then made a test piece in styrene, and low and behold it fitted perfectly.

I can recommend this process as it makes a difficult part of loco construction a pleasure.

Springs for the River loco and tender are made from 4mm ali plate, the leaves are engraved using a V-pointed engraving tool with the spindle stationary. The outline was cut with a 3mm end mill.



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