Here at MEWS we often hear from beginners looking for advice on starting in the hobby. We published our own guide for those starting out here. And we have published numerous designs for beginners.
For those that would like to be guided through the whole process of making that first model, an excellent book has just been re-published by Camden Miniature. It is entitled Step By Step Metalwork 3 by the late Kenneth Wells. It is this third book in the series which covers basic model engineering with clear drawings, photos and descriptions for making a simple steam traction engine and a complete steam plant.
It does what it says on the tin - takes you step by step through each build.
Kenneth Wells was originally a shipwright who, took a teacher training course with the idea of teaching woodwork. However, he found the only job available locally in Portsmouth was teaching metalwork. Which he did for the rest of his career before retiring as Head of Craft, Design and Technology. Judging by the book he must have been a great teacher.
So, if you are just about to embark on a new hobby, or would just like some easy to follow instructions to build a simple model or two, it is all here.
For more details and how to order the book in paper or digital version, click here.