Nick Kendall’s

Not strictly model engineering, but model boats are a popular attraction at major exhibitions. This super cross-section model of HMS Victory was shown at the National Model Engineering and Modelling Exhibition’, Harrogate (now Doncaster) by Nick Kendall.

HMS Victory, as every English schoolboy knows, was Nelson’s flag ship at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and where the national hero died from a sniper’s gun shot. This was the decisive sea battle of the Napoleonic Wars on which 27 British ships defeated 33 French and Spanish ships, and effectively ended French ambitions to invade England.

HMS Victory is a 104-gun first rate ship of the line. She displaces 3,500 tons, is 227’ 6” long with a beam of 51’ 10” and draft of 28’ 9”. She carried 6,510 sq. yd of sail and is built of oak.

The keel was laid in 1759, the frame built and left to season, before being launched in 1765. Because she was not needed at the time, she was laid up on the Medway for 13 years, until France joined the American War of Independence. She was finally commissioned in 1778. Complement was around 850.

Before and after Nelson, Victory was also flagship to many admirals. She was paid off in 1827.

Today Victory is preserved in Portsmouth Harbour as part of the National Historic Fleet, and is flagship of the First Sea Lord. Victory is still listed as ‘active’.