Ten and a Quarter Society


This wonderful model of a Billinton designed London Brighton and South Coast Railway K class Mogul was shown by the Ten and a Quarter Society at the 2018 Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition. Lawson Billinton considered the K class to be his finest design, and during his retirement he constructed the 1:6 scale working model from the original drawings. The model was completed in the 1940s and exhibited at the 1950 Model Engineer Exhibition.

Class K were powerful 2-6-0 mixed traffic locomotives designed in 1913. They appeared shortly before the First World War and the first ten examples of the class did prodigious work during that conflict on munitions, supply and troop trains. Further examples were built after the war, and the class was used as a test bed for various items of specialized equipment. However, after the formation of the Southern Railway in 1923 the remaining three locomotives on order were not completed and the 17 members of the class led relatively quiet yet reliable lives over their traditional lines.

The locomotives proved their usefulness once again during the Second World War, and continued to provide reliable service until the 1960s. The entire class was eventually withdrawn in 1962 for 'bookkeeping' rather than operational reasons.

The K class incorporated several innovations for the LB&SCR. They were the first 2-6-0 locomotives to run on the railway, and the first class to have a Belpaire firebox. They were fitted with Robinson style superheaters within a parallel boiler and two large inclined outside cylinders with Stephenson valve gear. The boilers were fed by hot water injectors, operated by a Weir pump, and surplus steam fed back to the tenders to preheat the water. The tenders were the largest of any LB&SCR locomotive with a capacity of 3940 gallons of water and 4 tons of coal. The class was also fitted with steam sanding and steam carriage heating equipment enabling them to be used on passenger trains.

Sadly none survived into preservation.
