Hywel Lambert


This example of the small  tower clock movement designed by John Wilding was removed from the builder’s house for display at the Bristol 2017 show. Constructed by Hywel Lambert, the clock is normally to be found driving the hands of a large exterior dial via a rod system through a bedroom wall. The clock is weight-driven and has a grasshopper escapement.

The clock is constructed in such a way that most of the components can be removed for maintenance without complete disassembly. Hywel also reports that it is an excellent timekeeper.

John Wilding built one of these clocks with a deadbeat escapement to fit in a tower above his workshop at the time. It was built on a Myford 7 lathe. He also designed an automatic electric winding system which could be used with this clock.

A book giving building instructions is available for both deadbeat and grasshopper versions.