Part one by Julius de Waal

It is 100 years since LBSC (Curly) built Ayesha and started the model engineering movement that we know today. Ayesha (below) is a coal powered Southern Atlantic locomotive now in the
possession of the National 2.5” Gauge Society. It inspired  the creation of thousands of home workshops after Curly showed that you didn’t have to be rich or have an extensive workshop to build passenger hauling miniature locomotives. Later Curly designed Maisie an Atlantic in 3.5” gauge which went on to be one of the most popular designs of all time. Later still, Martin Evans published a design, Southern Belle, in Gauge 1. Until now drawings of a 5” gauge model Southern Atlantic have not been available, but Julius has re-worked the gauge 1 drawings for MEWS readers.

Before starting work on a boiler, always check the design etc with a boiler inspector.

Click on drawings to download.

For personal use only.

Although drawings reproduce well on this website, they are even better as saved downloads.

Please let the editor know if you are building one of these or other projects to Julius’ designs.

Part two here

the only free and the only weekly magazine for model engineers. 

Editor: David Carpenter