Designed by Steve Eaton

Back in the early days of MEWS we published drawings for Steve Eaton’s highly popular Toby locomotive. This is, perhaps, the perfect beginner’s loco, designed to be as easily made as possible, and easy to operate. In the intervening time we have become more proficient at publishing drawings, and have improved on the originals.

This new set of drawings are unchanged from the originals in terms of content, but are now in pdf form which makes them easier to download and, once downloaded, easy to print or to take snapshots of individual components as they are worked on. Like the originals these drawings are for a 2.5” gauge loco, but for those who do not have access to a 2.5” track, it is a simple matter to make the engine in 3.5” gauge by changing a few dimensions.

Click on drawings to download - for personal use only.

Part 1 here part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8

part 9 part 10 part 11