Part 7 - revolving frame - by Alberto Celot

Construction continues with the Revolving Frame (RF) that is the rotary structure where all the machinery and the boiler are housed. The RF rotates on a pivot with needle roller bearings and rests on two rear wheels and two overhead trolleys each provided with two wheels; the wheels are conical and run on top of the gear where the pinion meshes, which provides the rotation of the RF. The original structure of the RF is consists of a plane fixed to a casting which ensures the necessary stiffness.

The solution I have adopted for the model is that of the interlocking technique that I have used before with good results.

Here is an image of the CAD drawing that shows the structure of the joints and a picture of the result:

And finally a picture of the RF-mounted on the Truck Frame. The two bevel gears are used for rotation and track transmission.
Construction continues with making the pieces to assemble the Revolving Frame. I started with the structure that supports the pulleys for the ropes (A-Frame) and with the winch for lifting the Boom driven, via dog clutch from Main Engine. Here are two pictures:
Once I installed these components, I realized that it would be very difficult to make the holes on the base plate to house the boiler, water and diesel tanks, and all accessories connected to them. So I decided to stop work on construction to complete the design of the boiler and all of the other items. After finishing the design, I made the holes in the plate base and could resume construction.

Here's the boiler in a ‘transparent’ view:

On the bottom of the firebox is attached the burner chamber which will be coated internally with a sheet of ceramic fibre.

The dome will also act as a manifold for all the connections of the steam pipes. The boiler will be made of stainless steel.

And now a couple of final assembly drawings:

The water tank is in the rear, while the diesel tank is placed on the left side close to the rear of the boiler. The box with four pockets on the back protruding probably served as a counterbalance, but can be removed if necessary. The assembly drawings lacks the components that will be fixed on the roof of the cabin, pipes, valves, cocks and other details.

All that completed, the project could continue with construction and final assembly of the mechanical parts mounted on the Revolving Frame.                      

Part one   part two   part three   part four   part five  part six  part seven  Part eight

part nine   part ten   part eleven  part twelve  Conclusion