Part two by Julius de Waal

Mitch Barnes’ ME Beam Engine

Julius’ revisits the classic Model Engineer Beam Engine in metric, for fabricated construction; castings are available for the imperial version. The ME beam engine has been a popular model for more than a hundred years, first described by George Gentry in 1914.

It was revisited by Exactus in 1959 and that is the version usually built today. The engine is of the centre column type and resembles that of the type of engine made by William Fairburn around 1840 - 1850.

Models shown above are by Bernard Collyer (top) and a fabricated version when under construction by P Dunham.

Click on drawings to download.

For personal use only.

Part one here.

Although drawings reproduce well on this website, they are even better as saved downloads.

Please let the editor know if you are building one of these or other projects to Julius’ designs.